We invite you to explore our world through a number of exciting resources. Dive into our blog and exhibitions page to discover the latest news, member events and public events organised by the ACB.

We’ve put together an overview of the trade shows and events we’ve attended. You’ll find highlights of tastings and encounters that have left their mark on our community. You can also find our Vignes Bio Ouvertes events. Every month, we organise theme days for our members to discuss organic practices and share enriching experiences.

Open Organic Vineyards

présentation blog vignes bio ouvertes

The VIGNES BIO OUVERTES are organised by Bio en Grand Est @agriculturebioGE and the ACB, together with the Champagne Chambers of Agriculture, as part of the Champagne Organic Sector development project, financed by the Water Agencies, to preserve water resources.
Every month we offer an Open Organic Vineyard Day for our members, on a specific theme.

ACB’s blog

vignette présentation blog

Discover all the activities between members, official meetings, general public events of the Association of Organic Champagnes!

Past Exhibitions and Events

vignette présentation salon

Discover all the tasting events organized by the Association of Organic Champagnes !