Lucie et Sébastien Cheurlin

Organic Certification
commitment date :
First certified
organic harvest
Portion of vineyard certified as organic
(AB)/Total surface
100% (5,2004 ha)
Certified AB
grape varieties :
Pinot Noir 67%, Chardonnay 31%, Pinot Blanc 2%
Annual production of
organic bottles :
40 000
Percentage of organic bottles
sold by the brand :
Presentation :
t’s those who have gone before us, going back over many generations of vignerons, whom we have to thank for whatever skills and savoir-faire that we are fortunate enough to possess today at L & S Cheurlin.
Both Sebastien and Lucie have vivid memories of their great grandfather Etienne. It was he who took Sebastien on long walks in the vineyards and taught him to listen to and tune in to Nature. For Lucie, Etienne was a sort of magician who understood everything about plants and could heal no end of childhood ailments with herbal and plant-based remedies.
Their father Richard was equally as enamoured of Nature. He used to tell them “the plants and the animals can tell us everything about the health of the soil and of our vines”. He taught them to respect the vineyards and to treat each plot separately as well as the wines it produced, so as to preserve each one’s individual identity.
With a childhood like that, it was only natural that after finishing their studies andtrying their hand at a variety of jobs in the world of wine, Lucie and Sebastien were drawn to organic farming when they came back into the family business.
Today they have 5 hectares of vines all cultivated organically and planted with Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and a little Pinot Blanc. They’d be delighted to welcome you and let you taste their champagnes, made with love in their very special corner of La Côte des Bar.
Contact us by email for prices.
Visit by appointment only.
Welcome up to 15 people.