Our objectives :
The development of organic viticulture in AOC Champagne.
To unify the various fields within the professional winegrower and winemaker community who are implicated in research, experimentation, production, sales, promotion and an appreciation of the organic wines of champagne.
To maintain an open dialogue and provide support to national and regional organizations involved in the organic wines sector and A.O.C. Champagne.
Our main actions :
To organize educational training for wine producers (whether organic or not) and promote the exchange of technical knowledge.
To collect and share a knowledge base from its members.
To become a source of information for journalists, organizations, associations and anyone interested in organic growing practices.
To promote Organic champagnes with trade tastings for wine such as, Bulles Bio en Champagne in Reims during Champagne Week and Les Champagnes Biologiques, in major cities around the world, Rome, Copenhagen, London, San Francisco and Los Angeles, San Sebastián...
To protect certified organic winegrowers from those who would falsely advertise and market their products as such, without any actual certification.