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Organic Certification
commitment date :


First certified
organic harvest


Portion of vineyard certified as organic
(AB)/Total surface

100% (7,162 ha)

Certified AB
grape varieties :

Chardonnay, Meunier, Pinot Noir

Annual production of
organic bottles :

50 000

Percentage of organic bottles
sold by the brand :


Presentation :

The son of a winemaker, Franck belongs to a long line of wine producers. After working for a few years in military engineering, he decided to return to the family vineyard following the death of his brother. This heartbreaking loss made him realize how essential it was to perpetuate the family tradition.

Over time, through learning and experimentation, he has made it his mission to produce authentic terroir champagnes that respect nature. His role as winemaker is to nurture the bioenergetic relationship between soil and vine. This is how Isabelle, his wife and Franck manage to make a real difference.

Human: our entire family estate and our entire champagne production are driven by deeply human values, focused on harmony between people.

Sensitive: our soils, vines and champagnes are treated with the same sensitivity and attention to detail to ensure incomparable quality.

Hedonistic: we produce champagnes that fuel gastronomic pleasure and energetic well-being.

Creative: we are motivated by the desire to reinvent champagne in a natural way, with respect for living organisms, matter and energy.

Assertive: for over 20 years, our objective has been clear. We want to create a new world of Champagne sensations.

Unique: produced in limited quantities, our terroir champagnes are pure, clean and precise. Their low dosage and biodynamic production make them sought-after, exceptional products.

Sales & visits by appointment.

illustration vigne