Organic Certification
commitment date :

September 1st, 2017

First certified
organic harvest


Portion of vineyard certified as organic
(AB)/Total surface

100% (6,8 ha)

Certified AB
grape varieties :

Meunier, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay

Annual production of
organic bottles :

15 000

Percentage of organic bottles
sold by the brand :


Presentation :

The inheritance of family heritage and its transmission to the next generation allow the MOREAU family to «measure» the passage of time. To not endure but to show «intelligent» adaptability while respecting the rhythm of the seasons. To know how to listen to one’s instincts and use them as a tool to live each moment of life fully and intensely, finding the key to happiness : «Being oneself». Bastien is a free spirit. He has learned, with nature and its laws, to turn the system’s constraints into an advantage. Helping and supporting the vine through rigorous seasonal soil work. This preserves the soil’s organic life, which, over time, strengthens the plant’s vitality in the face of changing climatic conditions. Observation, patience, and action at the right moment. Neither too early nor too late. Living in harmony with nature without defying the passage of time is a way of life for the Moreau family. A true Art of Living!

Visits and tastings by appointment

illustration vigne